Monday, January 10, 2005 News The new Monkey Trial

Current goals:

* Wake up at 6:30 every day and workout.
* Assess goals regularly to ensure efficiency.
* Disable religion's destructive influences on society.
* Continue to question my motives and values.
* Continue progressing towards a better world.

Goal 3 is the subject of the moment. There is a necessity to provide strong logical arguments that will resist intelligent design's attempt to cloud the issue of evolution. First of all, intelligent design crusaders (as in psychotic war-like regressive types) must erode the *image* of evolution's validity. Since modern science has accepted the logic of evolution as irrefutable, the Christian Crusaders must attempt to make it look as if this is not so.


Christian Crusaders values are defined by a process that abhors rigorous auto-analysis and relies on assumption for support. That is to say that it is the methodology of their self defining values that makes necessary their aversion to objective analysis.

Conditions for premise:

Religious status quo, the failure to question values, has emerged from deliberate manipulation of the people. For example: the Roman Catholic church used religion not as a tool of enlightenment, but often times as a vehicle for control. Romans used a social hierarchy to support the ruling class. Kings of
Western Europe used the Divine Right of Kings as theirs. Tools supporting class hierarchy automatically undermine the validity of the opinions of the masses. These tools were so effective that the masses have learned a strong pattern of following paternal rule and edict without question.

So current situations exist because the values of the general population were defined by individuals reliant on obedience.


Help all people feel comfortable defining their own existence, provide reasons why this is enough. Religion is a fine thing that should not be attacked directly, but its followers should certainly be confidant to question their values.

Support must be given to all people to help them feel more comfortable with their own decisions, failures and successes. With this will come ease of auto-analysis and a reduction to non-objective societal forces.


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