Sunday, March 13, 2005 Life | Tide of child obesity rising in rural U.S.

Suprise, suprise.

Lets, for a moment, be intelligent. Let's let go of all of our feelings of necessity for definitions and ideas. Let's just think about a big what if.

What if, you had a culture of animals, who multiplied and multiplied. Let's say that these animals, while evolving origionally from active hunting mammals, progressed into a sedentary lifestyle. These animals, if they evolved, that is, should be rewarded by their body for positive, surviving actions. Let's say that one such reward is both psysical and psychological. Let's say that the animal gets a little treat from it's brain when it is hunting, when it succeeds in the hunt, and when it eats it's food. We now take away hunting, and success... but we give the animal an almost limitless supply of food at almost no cost.

We now have fat animals.


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