Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Dean for DNC


In the coming years, the political field will be inundated with people like me. Hyper-educated, self-employed progressives attempting to make the world a better place.

If this proves to be untrue, so be it. I think it will happen.

In just a few minutes a day I have found the best places for great information. Additionally, I can disseminate pertinent information quickly.

Religious Ideology, American Egoism and the Regressive beliefs common to the Gun Gay God Republicans require specific values to succeed. American infallibility, Human Inability and lack of auto-supportive values all assist the ideologies that I am speaking of.

Diffusion exists. Diffusion can be described with quantum physics, all things exist at all points simultaneously. The likelihood of interaction depends on the amplitude of effect. Thanks to the internet, the natural resonance of competitive information is increasing, the likelihood of detection in all areas also increases.

This is all to say that progressive values are the antithesis to certain illogical ideals held by the regressive right. The internet is the antithesis of regressive behavior by way of diffusion of information.


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