Sunday, July 09, 2006

The time given

Today... or tomorrow... or when?

The dream built against my life. Like weight given to unforgeivable happenstancs, I am crushed.

For I, unlike you, have not sustained the continuance of expectation. I have been crushed. For I have not agreed to be that which has been spoken; I am dead.

Not like you, I must be nothing. Without the perscribed form, I fall from grace of decided position into the recesses of not-alike.

I am not to be given the circumstances of normality. I am the challenged. I am the disadvantaged.

Blame, must be given, blame to my parents? Blame to myself. I am nothing.

For circumstance abounds, however situation is unforgivable. So like I should be, I am judged by my years and not my means and judged against my accomplishments as a failure.

And so another receeds, unforgiven, unforgivable. I am the nothing. I am not worth mentioning. I'll be forgotten by history as one of the tens, thousands, millions, billions that were not great. For this, I am to blame.

Don't cry for me, for those few who could will have, and thought should not be given.

The past is gone, but we all will meet, for the well drawn upon is shared by all.

All is ironic, all is karmic. We try to change that which is for we seek the light of the future. That is humanity. Some will drink deeply of it, others will shun it.

Those who choose to give of their perscription of value will be quenched of thirst. Lacking sacrifice, some will find drought of the waters. Eternity grants to all, everything.

Absolute release is absolute fulfillment. Everything is nothing, nothing is everything. Om; the tao; YHVH... all and nothing... now only and forever.


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