Sunday, March 13, 2005 Life | Tide of child obesity rising in rural U.S.

Suprise, suprise.

Lets, for a moment, be intelligent. Let's let go of all of our feelings of necessity for definitions and ideas. Let's just think about a big what if.

What if, you had a culture of animals, who multiplied and multiplied. Let's say that these animals, while evolving origionally from active hunting mammals, progressed into a sedentary lifestyle. These animals, if they evolved, that is, should be rewarded by their body for positive, surviving actions. Let's say that one such reward is both psysical and psychological. Let's say that the animal gets a little treat from it's brain when it is hunting, when it succeeds in the hunt, and when it eats it's food. We now take away hunting, and success... but we give the animal an almost limitless supply of food at almost no cost.

We now have fat animals.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

We are a weak wounded race. We have been driven by our strivings and definitions to lives of solvency. Our essence, the things that we call value have been taken over. We are no longer good people. There is no apparent morality.

We are as good as we choose. Those who have others choose for them are no more than dark star. Instead of being outwardly loving they are inwardly terrified. As they have not defined for themselves the most basic questions of being, “What does my opinion matter,” are left behind as immoral.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Creativity is abandonment into action without reference. True creativity is had without need to have benchmarks. True creativity exists independent to all other existence, it is the exponential growth of ideas into a system without reference. True creativity should not have any identifiers.
Odd ideas created an interesting concept, these are writings from my journal:

Suddenly, it struck him, he knew the solution. As he ingested the fluid, his heart sank. This was the end.

His DNA restructured itself, the energy, the essence of thought interacting with matter in simultaneously inevitable and impossible ways. He was becoming life. Conscious decision reflected perfectly upon every facet of his being. He now had the tools to create reality.

In the years before this, humanity suffered greatly. Wars were common, plague swept even sophisticated nations. It was because of the nature of reality. Since things progressed as they did, it was the only way.

By nature, this simple thinking being had unlocked The Solution:

Just as I know now what I must do. There seems to be no way to fight them. Or at least seeming exists, no matter how contrary to the way it is.

The government, driven by ignorance and greed caused supreme imbalance in life. By controlling the minds and views of the population, the government used it's mistakes - or the repercussions thereof - as a self-supportive method of control.

Reality is made up by our perceptions. Unfortunately for us, we absorbent beings, we are subject to factual fraud and the subsequent bending of reality.

As reality became more and more terrifying, we sought refuge in the wisdom of our leaders. In this we became paradox in essence, living creatures that did not live.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Ryanne's Video Blog

Aha, Buster is going to be martyred for the rights of people to love each other. KILL THE FUCKING RABBIT! HE RECOGNIZES DIFFERENCES IN PEOPLE!

So... the Christians, they need some Xanax, the Dep of Ed needs some Cyanide. Shouldn't our Educational system focus on support of differences and tolerance? Why is it immoral to respect people who are different if it is not unhealthy.

The only reason that these people are attacking Buster, they even admit, is that the couple is lesbian. So it's not HOW they raise their kids, I'm sure the rates of child abuse is WAY higher in hetrosexual families. It is because these women are carpet munchers! THAT IS THE ONLY REASON.

These women are good parents, with happy children, BUT NO! Fucking idiots.

Thursday, March 03, 2005


I don't think that I'll be talking to anyone about my problems anymore. Furthermore, I am not going to have a girlfriend or a mother, or anyone that I cannot communicate with. I am not going to spend my days trying to fix relationships that are meaningless because the people involved can't give anything of value.

I'd rather just find a way to be happy on my own. One day soon I will be so much stronger every day. This will be because I will have only myself to deal with. I don't ask to deal with anyone else's shit, and neither do I want anyone else to deal with mine.

So, I'll enjoy my day to day on my own. I don't really need anything from anyone anyway.